We define a disciple as someone who is pursuing Jesus, becoming like Jesus, and BEing on the mission of Jesus.
There is a scene in John 15, where Jesus gave His closest friends clear instructions for how to continue being His disciples once He was gone, which would be in a matter of hours from that point. Within 7 sentences, Jesus told them to abide in Him nine different times. The original Greek word menō, literally means to stand with another; (or) to remain as one:
There is a scene in John 15, where Jesus gave His closest friends clear instructions for how to continue being His disciples once He was gone, which would be in a matter of hours from that point. Within 7 sentences, Jesus told them to abide in Him nine different times. The original Greek word menō, literally means to stand with another; (or) to remain as one:
"Abide [remain] in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides [remains] in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide [remain] in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides [remains] in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:4-5
Abiding, or remaining as one with Jesus, is a vital rhythm when it comes to living as a disciple (or follower) of Jesus. The following sampling of devotions from the YouVersion Bible app, are intended to help you (and your family) begin practicing the rhythm of abiding in Christ:
4 Days
Family Oriented
In this plan, you and your children will explore four spiritual disciplines: fasting, meditation, studying Scripture, and worship. You’ll be encouraged to have honest conversations about the challenges of practicing these disciplines, and through engaging, thought-provoking activities, you’ll begin to view them as privileges rather than chores. Each day includes a prayer prompt, brief Scripture reading and explanation, hands-on activity, and discussion questions.
7 Days
New Believer
Surrender to Jesus is a life-defining moment. But what does this decision mean and how do we live it each day? Is this only for the big decisions of life, or the super-spiritual person? Fear, previous failures, and misunderstanding can hold us back. "Go Do Say Give" is a pledge/prayer that unpacks how to take the next steps in your spiritual journey. Experience the freedom that comes with following Jesus.
31 Days
Youth or Adult (DBS style)
This Bible plan was created to help you dig deeper into God's Word for yourself, and see what it is saying about who God is, and how you will live in light of that truth. Rather than providing devotionals, we give you three important questions to ask yourself and write down the answers that God is speaking to you through His Word.
63 Days
Youth or Adult
The Psalms express the feelings and emotions that sometimes we find too hard to express to God by ourselves. Through diving into the Psalms and their different forms , the aim is that readers can lead prayer-filled lives, crying out, praising and worshipping our God through every season and in every moment.
7 Days
Youth or Adult
Following Jesus is about more than doing the right things—instead, He wants to use us to reflect His love for people in the way we live our lives. As we become more like Him, we’ll find a relationship with God that’s better than we could ever imagine. This 7-Day Bible Plan shows you essential spiritual practices to become more like Jesus.
12 Days
Youth or Adult
Jesus invites you into a new and better way of life, but it's a paradoxical realm that turns human logic upside down. It's a life where sorrow leads to joy, brokenness to health, and suffering to glory. This devotion is an introduction to the Beatitudes that Jesus shared in His famous Sermon on the Mount. Come sit at His feet and learn Kingdom principles that can transform your life.