Life on mission

Personal practices and communal rhythms to live on mission for the glory of God

The critical foundation to our spiritual journey is the life altering transformation that begins when Jesus Christ becomes Lord and Savior of our life.  

As a disciple of Jesus, we glorify God by pursuing and becoming like our Savior.

This pursuit and transformation, empowered by the Holy Spirit within us, commits us to the mission of making disciples in community.

These personal practices and communal rhythms help equip followers of Jesus with this journey of a life on mission


CONFESS humbly and regularly ➡️ in James 5:16, we learn that confession should be a common practice among followers of Jesus as a way to pray for one another (and be healed).  It not only helps us in our spiritual journey, it also cultivates humility and transparency..  

  • Confession could be as simple as an apology, or as complex as admitting deep seated sin. Is there something you need to confess?  
  • To whom do you need to confess?
  • How can you become more transparent and authentic as a follower of Jesus?

JAMES 5:16; PHILIPPIANS 2:3-4, 7; 1 JOHN 1:6-9; ACTS 3:19; JAMES 4:6-10; COLOSSIANS 3:12
ABIDE in Jesus ➡️ in John 15, Jesus calls us to abide in Him.  This practice helps to keep our hearts and minds in alignment with our Savior through regular time reading the Word, praying, resting, and other spiritual habits.
  • What does abiding look like in your life?
  • What do daily rhythms of reading the Word, praying, practicing spiritual habits, etc look like recently?
  • How can you be encouraged on this journey?

DEUTERONOMY 6:5-9; JOHN 15:4-5; GALATIANS 5:16-17; PSALM 143:5; PSALM 46:10; 1 TIMOTHY 4:7-8; PHILIPPIANS 4:6–7; PSALM 34:8; JOSHUA 22:5
LOVE practically and unconditionally ➡️ in Luke 10:25-37, Jesus tells a story to describe how we should love our neighbor unconditionally with mercy, extending a grace that is anchored in truth.  There are countless creative ways to model this.  

  • Who do you need to forgive or express mercy and grace toward? 
  • Is there someone you are angry with or are avoiding that you need to take a step of restoration toward?
  • How have you demonstrated a tangible act of love recently?  How long has it been?

LUKE 10:25-37; MARK 12:31; MATTHEW 18:15-17; COLOSSIAN 3:13; EPHESIAN 4:32; GALATIANS 6:1; 1 PETER 4:8-9; HEBREWS 13:17
INVEST in someone relationally  ➡️ in Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus makes it clear that everyone of his followers should live on mission to make disciples. This happens best by investing in relationships, where you can learn and share stories.  

  • Who is God putting on your heart to invest in this week?  
  • Who are you praying for? Who do you need to call/text/visit this week?
  • Who needs to hear your story?  Whose story do you need to hear?

MATHEW 28:18-20; ROMANS 14:19 (NLT); LUKE 14:23 (ESV); HEBREWS 10:25; PHILEMON 6 (AMP); 1 CORINTHIANS 16:2; EPHESIANS 4:29


SERVE (and party with) others with humility and generosity ➡️ two ways to prayerfully and strategically engage with people on mission is to serve and party with them.  The rhythms (among others) are consistently modeled by Jesus throughout his life on earth.  Get creative and have fun as you go.

  • Who are you trying to invest in, and how?
  • What needs to be planned to connect relationally to and/or model the gospel for?
  • What are the next steps to get something mobilized?

ACTS 2:42; MATTHEW 18:20; HEBREWS 10:25; ACTS 4:31; 1 CORINTHIANS 5:40

WORSHIP regularly with devotion ➡️ Regardless of when/where/how many, this spiritual rhythm can give us a glimpse of Heaven on earth.  Worship can be singing together, reading scripture, sharing stories, practicing the “one anothers”, and/or can occur in dozens of other ways as two or more gather with our hearts and minds centered on Jesus.

  • Have you read a passage or devotion recently that has stirred your heart and mind toward Christ?
  • Is there a song you cannot get out of your head that moves you toward Christ?
  • Have you had a conversation with anyone recently where you knew without a doubt God orchestrated?

MATTHEW 9:10-12; MATTHEW 22:1-14; GALATIANS 5:13; MARK 10:45; 1 CORINTHIANS 9:19-23

GROW INTO MATURITY through unity and love  ➡️ growing spiritually is a lifelong process.  God gave us Himself in the Holy Spirit.  He gave us His Word.  He gave us prayer.  And yet, He also gave us each other to live life together on mission, sharpening each other along the way with rhythms such as mentoring, accountability, encouragement, discipline, etc.

  • Who do you have in your life for authentic spiritual accountability?
  • Who do you consider a spiritual mentor?  Do you have someone who is discipling you?
  • Who are you investing in spiritually as a disciple maker to make other disciples?
  • Is this a consistent focus of prayer?

EPHESIANS 4:11-12; 1 PETER 4:10; 1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-26; COLOSSIANS 1:28-29; 1 PETER 2:9-10; 1 PETER 4:10

MOBILIZE and SEND to glorify Christ  ➡️ healthy things grow.  At some point along our spiritual journey, we will more than likely be compelled to stretch our comfort zones and take faithful steps of obedience for the sake of making more disciples.

  • Are you praying about what mission looks like in your life? A person, a calling, etc?
  • What needs to happen for you to step out on the mission God is putting in your heart through conviction, encouragement, passion, calling, etc?
  • Have you told anyone?

MATTHEW 28:18-20; ACTS 1:8; ROMANS 10:14-15; ROMANS 12:1; 1 THESSALONIANS 1:4-7; 2 TIMOTHY 2:1-2