Book of Luke WK7

Dave Farris

Today's 'worship space' flow:


-- Read through Luke 17:1-10 together (take turns)

-- What stands out to you about this passage? Why?

-- What questions do you have about the passage?

-- What do you think Jesus is saying here about temptations/stumbling blocks? And the warning about causing them?

-- How Jesus says to respond to these situations sounds easy...but how do you typically handle them?

-- How do you typically respond when someone offends or wrongs you (or someone close to you)?

-- How do you typically respond when someone approaches you about something you have done/not done, said/not said to offend them or someone else?

-- Why is it really difficult for you to forgive?

-- Share a time when you have approached someone and/or when someone else has approached you? (was it approached correctly? Was it received correctly? What was the result?)

-- Why do you think Jesus told the parable (vv7-10) to illustrate his point?


-- How can practicing rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness strengthen your pursuit of Jesus?

-- How can practicing rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness strengthen your MicroChurch family?

-- How can the rhythm of rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness be a light for Jesus Christ in the surrounding community?

-- Is there someone you need to rebuke? Have you prayed about it?

-- Is there someone you need to repent to (whether to God and/or someone else)?

-- Is there someone you need to extend grace and forgiveness toward?

-- Are you harboring sin (toward God and/or someone else) that you need to repent of?

-- What are some tangible next steps THIS WEEK that can be taken to pursue reconciliation and restoration?

-- Spend some time praying over any next steps and the culture of rebuking/repentance/forgiveness within your MC for the sake of our community, our mission, and our pursuit of Jesus

quotes about forgiveness:

Tim Keller - “If we have not seen our sin and sought radical forgiveness from God, we will be unable to forgive and to seek the good of those who have wronged us.”

"Mercy and forgiveness must be free and unmerited to the wrongdoer. If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn’t mercy, but forgiveness always comes at a cost to the one granting the forgiveness."

Alistair Begg -- “Refusal to forgive reveals we have minimized our offense against God and we have maximized a brother’s offense against us.”