Book of Luke WK72
— Read through Luke 17:1-10 together (take turns)
— What stands out to you about this passage?
— What questions do you have about the passage?
— What do you think Jesus is saying here about temptations/stumbling blocks? And the warning about causing them?
— How Jesus says to respond to these situations sounds easy...but how do you typically handle them?
— How do you typically respond when someone offends or wrongs you (or someone close to you)?
— How do you typically respond when someone approaches you about something you have done/not done, said/not said to offend them or someone else?
— Why is it really difficult for you to forgive?
— Share a time when you have approached someone and/or when someone else has approached you? (was it approached correctly?
— Was it received correctly? What was the result?)
— Why do you think Jesus told the parable (vv7-10)
— Why do you think Jesus told the parable (vv7-10) to illustrate his point?
— How can practicing rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness strengthen your pursuit of Jesus?
— How can practicing rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness strengthen your MicroChurch family?
— How can the rhythm of rebuke, repentance, and forgiveness be a light for Jesus Christ in the surrounding community?
— Is there someone you need to rebuke? Have you prayed about it?
— Is there someone you need to repent to (whether to God and/or someone else)?
— Is there someone you need to extend grace and forgiveness toward?
— Are you harboring sin (toward God and/or someone else) that you need to repent of?
— What are some tangible next steps THIS WEEK that can be taken to pursue reconciliation and restoration?
— Why do you think Jesus told the parable (vv7-10) to illustrate his point?