Book of Luke WK77
1. Why would the disciples think it was a good idea to keep the children from coming around Jesus?
2. How do you think the disciples responded when Jesus contradicted their rebuke of the children?
-- How would you take it if you were trying to protect the environment?
3. Why do you think Luke put these 3 verses into the letter where he did?
4. Being teachable infers you are learning and living out what you are being and have been taught.
-- How has your life changed over the past 6 months to a year to look more like Jesus?
5. What would being bold for Jesus look like in your life at home, at work, etc?
6. What would need to change for you to be totally dependent on Jesus?
7. Have you, your family, and/or your MC family taken any risks to engage on mission together?
-- How can you utilize the children to do so?
8. Has your MC had any tough/honest conversations about how to mold the culture of Family Worship in regard to our kids being childish vs childlike?
-- Are you, as parents, willing to accept help when it comes to limiting distractions?
-- Are you, as adults, willing to get up and move to a ‘better’ location to hear and be less distracted
-- Do you love each other enough to have ‘tough’ conversations?
9. Kids, do you feel like a valuable part your MC family?
-- What have you learned from watching your parents worship, pray, sing, and transparently talk about Jesus together?
10. How can you be more intentional to help families with younger children on Sunday?
Throughout the week? With discipleship?
11. What are the children of your MC dealing with in life, school, faith, etc? (how would you know if you have never asked?)
-- How can you pray over them?
12. As parents with younger children, how can the church come around you to help, especially for times of worship?
-- How they can pray for you?
13. How can you ‘know’ the kids in your MC better?
-- How many kids do you know in the larger church family?
14. What would interdependence as an MC look like?
-- What are steps you can take to cultivate a sense of interdependence as a faith family?
15. How can you as a community engage the children more intentionally to pursue, become like, and live on mission for Jesus?