Book of Luke WK 79
1) What other prophecies do you know Jesus fulfilled?
+ Resource:
2) Why do you think it was important to Jesus to share the plans with his crew, even though they would not understand?
3) Why do you believe Jesus is who He says He is?
+ When did you realize your heart believed it?
4) With so many different denominations and theologies ‘out there’, not to mention technology/social media, how do you know what you currently believe about Jesus is true to scripture?
5) How is your life different because of pursuing and becoming like Jesus?
+ What is different?
+ Do you have any stories of how family/friends/co-workers have noticed a difference?
6) Have you ever faced any consequence or pressure from your faith in and pursuit of Jesus?
7) Have you taken a step of obedience in your faith, without fully knowing where it would lead?
+ Share stories
8) How can you begin to take tangible and intentional steps toward living for and sharing about Jesus this week? Spend a few moments praying over this…then share
9) Confession: Have you recently refused or neglected trusting in Jesus (by how you have lived, loved, reacted)?
10) How do you typically handle unmet expectations?
+ Share a time when you did not handle an unmet expectation in a healthy way
11) How do you handle moments when you have explained something (multiple times) and yet it is not heard, much less understood?
12) How can your community support you in living for and sharing about Jesus this week?
13) Spend time praying over one another