Book of Luke WK 47

Jun 18, 2023    Dave Farris

*STATION 1 → Vertical Prayers*

“Father” God…”Abba” God (give a few moments) -- APPROACH

-- Celebrate the open invitation God has given you to approach him as a gracious loving Father

-- Maybe you have never viewed God as a loving Father…cry out for that relationship now

“Hallowed be Your Name” (give a few moments) -- SURRENDER 

-- When you speak God’s name…is it with reverence, admiration, and awe of who He is

-- Surrender and pray for an awareness of His Kingship over your life

“Your Kingdom Come” (give a few moments) -- REPENT

-- What have you been chasing and idolizing over God’s will in your life?

-- What do you need to surrender in your life to begin pursuing His life for you?

*STATION 2 → Horizontal Prayers*

Daily Bread (give a few moments) 

Forgiveness (give a few moments) 

-- Do you need forgiveness for rebelling against God?

-- Do you need forgiveness for spiritual apathy or laziness?

-- Do you need you need to extend forgiveness first?

-- Is there someone you need to talk to this week to confess bitter feelings?

Overbearing temptation (give a few moments) 

-- Are you struggling with something that continues to overwhelm you?

-- Plead for God to:

* Give you strength to walk by faith

* Sustain and/or increase your joy in Christ

* Surround you with community to help bear the weight

*STATION 3 → “Ask” Shameless Prayers*

Go to God with boldness and shamelessness…

-- What have you been afraid to ask but are feeling prompted to do so now?

-- Ask Him to change the desires of your heart…to want His desires

-- Trivial requests are fine…but spend some time asking God “BIG” things:

* Ask Him to break your heart for what breaks his heart

* Ask Him to put people on your heart to forgive, love, pray for

*STATION 4 → “Seek” Persistent Prayers*

-- Seek answers from prayers you may have given up on 

-- Seek wisdom and discernment to pray the right prayers

-- Seek God’s direction for life…spouse…future…

*STATION 5 → “Knock” Expectant Prayers*

-- It’s time to pound on the door…regardless of time of day

-- Pray expectantly for the Holy Spirit to fill you…transform you…

-- Plead for God to save: __________________

-- Plead for God to give you boldness and wisdom to share the Good News of Jesus with: ___________

-- Plead for God to heal: __________________