Book of Luke WK 62
Discovery Bible Study Questions: (for after teaching)
-- Did you hear something today that stuck out?
Something you heard you agree with? Don't agree with?
Why or why not?
-- Do you naturally tend to assume the best in someone, or assume the worst?
(Share an example of a time when your initial assumption would up being wrong)
-- When is the last time you (discreetly or not) assumed your place 'of honor' without considering others? (i.e. like Dave's traffic analogy)
-- In what ways, whether by word/action/etc., have you pridefully 'assumed' your place when it comes to faith as opposed to approaching it humbly with confidence in Christ alone?
-- How can you tangibly take steps toward humility this week?
-- Who is someone you can prayerfully invite to the next party (i.e. coffee/dinner/etc)?
-- Why does it seem much easier to find something wrong in what someone says, rather than to (at least) discern the heart of what they are trying to say or do?
"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted"
-- What is (at least) one way you can live by this verse this coming week?
Have someone take notes from this discussion. Next week, utilize your fellowship/worship space as a way to share stories as you begin to practice these thoughts