Book of Luke WK 58

Jan 21, 2024    Wayne Coake

Questions - Luke 13

Verses 1-5:

1. Was the wickedness of Pilate the punishment for the sins of those Galileans?

2. Were the sins of the eighteen the cause of the tower in Siloam to fall on, and kill, them?

3. Do you think that people today are punished in proportion to their sins?

4. What was Jesus' response to the assumed attitude of the crowd? What was important to him?

5. What does it mean to repent?

6. What do you think Jesus meant by "likewise perish"?

7. How can we apply Jesus' warning to our own life ("unless you repent you will all likewise perish")?

Verses 6-9:

1. In this parable (Luke 13), who/what does the fig tree represent?

2. Who does the owner of the vineyard represent? The vinedresser?

3. In the parable, why would the owner want to cut down the fig tree?

4. And why would the vinedresser want to delay the cutting?

5. What condition is attached to the delay?

6. Considering the history of Israel, what was the result of that delay? (Hint: What historical event occurred in A.D. 70?)

7. What is the Holy Spirit saying to us?